

Agape Design 是意大利浴室家具領域的領先公司,也是意大利製造設計聲譽的象徵,由 Benedini 家族於 1973 年創立。


Edilceram Design 能夠提供水龍頭、淋浴組件、洗臉盆、浴缸、馬桶和坐浴盆、鏡子、配件、家具等......簽署了 Agape。

Dr、Monolith、Square、Drop、Sen、Flat XL、Flat D、Pear、Vieques、Ell、Mach,是我們最喜歡的 Agape 系列。



Richard McClintock, a Latin scholar from Hampden-Sydney College, is credited with discovering the source behind the ubiquitous filler text. In seeing a sample of lorem ipsum, his interest was piqued by consectetur—a genuine, albeit rare, Latin word. Consulting a Latin dictionary led McClintock to a passage from De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum (“On the Extremes of Good and Evil”), a first-century B.C. text from the Roman philosopher Cicero.


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  3. Agape Sen ASEN0910N 台面搅拌机 | Edilceram Design
  4. Agape Sen ASEN0956N 洗脸盆台面搅拌机 | Edilceram Design
  5. Agape Sen ASEN0957N 洗脸盆台面搅拌机 | Edilceram Design
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  7. Agape Novecento XL ACER10700R Ceramillux 壁挂式洗脸盆 | Edilceram Design
  8. Agape Ottocento ACER07660R 壁挂式洗脸盆在 Cristalplant | Edilceram Design
  9. Agape 别克斯 ACER0798F 不锈钢落地水槽 | Edilceram Design
  10. Agape Bjhon 1 ACER1083 台面洗脸盆在 Cristalplant | Edilceram Design
  11. Agape Bjhon 2 ACER1084 Cristalplant 台面洗脸盆 | Edilceram Design
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